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Introducing: The Darling Academy Book Club

The Darling Academy book club

Hello everyone! My name is Melanie, a soon-to-be TradWife who helps Alena moderate The Darling Academy’s Facebook group for traditional housewives, and I have come over to the blog today to announce the launch of something very special…

The Darling Academy Book Club!

This was a popular request amongst our 500+ members, and we thought it would be a wonderful way to get everyone together on a monthly, cup of tea in hand, ready to discuss some amazing books. As busy as we all are, taking care of our homes and families, it’s still really important to put aside time to read to expand the mind, and get some rest!

Our picks are mainly non-fiction and centred on home life, but we have a couple of thematically appropriate fiction books too (including a cosy winter read!)

So how does the book club work?

We will announce the book to be read on the 10th day of each month. I will pop reminders from time to time in the group to keep us on track with our reading, and then on the 15th day of the following month, we will have had enough time to complete the book, and we will discuss it in a post thread.

Questions and points of discussion will be set, but feel free to add your own questions or contact a moderator if there is a topic concerning the book you’d really like covered.

If you are not already a member of our Facebook group Traditional Housewives with The Darling Academy, I’d like to encourage you to come to our virtual tea party (it’s quite simple, just click that gold link and request to join). We have women from all over the world, of all ages, and at all stages of relationships and homemaking - it’s a wonderful place to share experiences, homemaking tips, and find emotional support if you need it. We realise that in this modern world the industry and network of homemakers in your area can feel very small, so it’s a fantastic place to connect with friendly, and likeminded ladies.

I have written the yearly reading plan below for those who like to be prepared. All books are available on Amazon and linked below for your convenience. Or check it out from your local library if you can!

Should a title already sit on your bookshelf, you may ‘sit that one out’ at the book club, but it would be wonderful to have your perspective on a book if it touched you, and you have been living with the advice for a while. All comments and opinions are welcome, but we must keep it respectful, friendly, and ladylike.

The Darling Academy book club reading list

Click the titles in gold for the direct links to Amazon.

April: Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin
Becoming Us by Robin Jones Gunn
In Defense of the Princess by Jerramy Fine
The Cherry Tree Cafe by Heidi Swain
Let me be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot
At Home with Madame Chic by Jennifer L.Scott
The Life Giving Home by Sally & Sarah Clarkson
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman

December, we realise, is a busy time for homemakers (well, busier than usual), so we will resume the book club in January of the following year.

We can’t wait to start! See you soon for our first book-club session. As today is the 10th of the month, head over to join us and get reading.

Happy page-turning!
Melanie x


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